Friday, March 12, 2010

The Poetry Parade

This poem is dedicated to all my fellow poets on a poetry forum I participate in. Some of the devices used in this poem, such as the throat clearing, the dashes and ellipses, are things that have been criticized by our peers on the forum, thus earning a special place in this poem.

A-hem! Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here together...

the oh-so-solemn traditionalists,
whose poetry smiles not,

the love-so-true,
sky-so-blue crowd,

the subtle ones who reach out,
grab your heart
and shake your psyche,
with their streamlined genius---
their words tenderly polished,
or cruelly pointed,

a brooding youngster or two,
whose words amaze,
even as they try to slink off the page,
their tails between their legs,

the ones who come from
the open wound school,
whose pain pulls you in, every time,
for an empathetic wallow,

a brilliant one or two who make you feel
that you're not quite brilliant enough,
to catch the tail of their high-flying kites,

and the one, missing the poetry step
on the ladder of his DNA,
who wanders in one day
and starts splashing through
the slow-moving currents of
the poetry forum,
with poetry so bad that
even the harshest critic
finds compassion lurking in his heart
and refrains from making comment...

We all come together here
in search of that elusive
perfect turn of a phrase---
the sweet embrace of poetry
our innocent pursuit.


  1. Great poem, Cory - highlights the oddity of trying to "rank" poetry - it is subjective and in the eyes of the beholder! Well done!

  2. @ Cory

    Wow I'm so touched and inspired by this poem! You can play with words and zing of the poem so well!

    One of my fav. para has been:

    "".....and the one, missing the poetry step
    on the ladder of his DNA,
    who wanders in one day
    and starts splashing through
    the slow-moving currents of
    The Poetry Forum,
    with poetry so bad that
    even the harshest critic
    finds compassion lurking in his heart
    and refrains from making comment...""

    Indeed, appriciation/comments is one step forward to show your acceptance. Acceptance for the person you are and for the will you posses!
    Very encouraging thought provoking poem :)

    Keep the Spark Alive..


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